r/sdnsfw Lounge

Unflattering facial expression, Unnatural skin tone, Distracting background, Poor lighting, Inconsistent lighting, Harsh shadows, Uneven lighting, Flat lighting, Too much or too little depth of field, Out of focus, Not properly framed, Poorly cropped, Finger in front of lens, Reflection in glasses, Dirty lens, Soft focus, Subject too far away, Subject too close, Overly edited, Overly filtered, Overly stylized, Overly retouched, Unnatural retouching, Too much skin smoothing, Too much skin texture, Strange skin texture, Too much makeup, Unnatural makeup, Bad hair day, Overly styled hair, Badly styled hair, Awkward hair, Too much jewelry, Unflattering jewelry, Distracting jewelry, Bad choice of outfit, Outfit too revealing, Outfit too conservative, Outfit too tight, Outfit too loose, Outfit too casual, Outfit too formal, Outfit too trendy, Outfit too dated, Outfit too busy, Outfit too plain, Outfit too bright, Outfit too dull, Outfit too matchy-matchy, Outfit clashes with background, Outfit clashes with skin tone, Outfit clashes with hair color, Outfit clashes with jewelry, Outfit clashes with makeup, Outfit clashes with overall style, Outfit unflattering for body type, Outfit unflattering for skin tone, Outfit unflattering for hair color, Outfit unflattering for body shape, Outfit unflattering for occasion, Outfit unflattering for age, Outfit unflattering for personality, Outfit unflattering for overall style, Busy background, Cluttered background, Unappealing background, Out of focus background, Too bright background, Too dark background, Too colorful background, Too plain background, Background clashes with outfit, Background clashes with subject, Background clashes with overall style, Background unflattering for subject, Background unflattering for occasion, Background unflattering for overall style, Unnatural background, Badly lit background, Uninteresting location, Unappealing lighting, Poorly chosen location, Unflattering location, Overly posed, Unnatural pose, Uncomfortable pose, Uninteresting pose, Distracting pose, Unflattering angle, Uninteresting angle, Distracting angle, Unnatural angle, Crooked angle, Unappealing angle, Unflattering lighting, Uninteresting lighting, Distracting lighting, Unnatural lighting, Poorly lit, Overexposed highlights, Underexposed shadows, Too much contrast in lighting, Too little contrast in lighting, Uninteresting composition, Distracting composition, Unnatural composition, Too much negative space, Too little negative space, Unappealing negative space, Too much positive space, Too little positive space, Unappealing positive space, Uninteresting subject, Distracting subject, Unnatural subject, Unflattering subject, Unappealing subject, Uninteresting facial features, Distracting facial features, Unnatural facial features, Unflattering facial features, Unappealing facial features, Uninteresting skin, Distracting skin, Unnatural skin, Unflattering skin, Unappealing skin, Uninteresting hair, Distracting hair, Unnatural hair, Unflattering hair, Unappealing hair, Uninteresting makeup, Distracting makeup, Unnatural makeup, Unflattering makeup, Unappealing makeup, Uninteresting jewelry, Distracting jewelry, Unnatural jewelry, Unflattering jewelry, Unappealing jewelry, Disfigured, Kitsch, Ugly, Oversaturated, Grain, Low-res, Poor Anatomy, Poorly Drawn Face, Mutation, Mutated, Extra Limb, Poorly Drawn Hands, Missing Limb, Floating Limbs, Disconnected Limbs, Malformed Hands, Long Neck, Long Body, Disgusting, Childish, Mutilated, Mangled, Old, Surreal, Tiling, Poorly Drawn Feet, Out of Frame, Cross-eye, Body out of Frame, Bad Art, Bad Proportions, Cloned Face, Gross Proportions, Malformed Limbs, Fused Fingers, Too Many Fingers, Black and White, Asian, Text, Watermark, Grainy, Dressed, Pixelated, Low Contrast, Poorly Filtered, Unrecognizable, Over-edited, Noisy, Poorly Color-corrected, Too Simple, Too Abstract, Poorly Focused, Over-saturated, Under-saturated

/r/sdnsfw Thread