/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for October 01, 2018

Went climbing was teamed up with this guy who was finding excuse throughout the session on WHY and HOW he didn’t climb.

E.g, oh I climb these just now alrdy, not suppose to cause Integrity issue, so now if I participate not fair to others. Oh I am tired, I have been climbing for every long today. Oh I have no more skin left on my hands. Oh I hate it when people stare at me climb, I like to chill and relax one. (Inserts more reasons and excuses)

So he just tried 3-4 out of 15 routes and sat down for the rest of the time.

Such a turn off. Like a happy fun event turned bad cause of a sour puss.

TLDR: rant about a fun event turned sour cause of poor team mate.

/r/singapore Thread