/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for February 03, 2019

Wrote a similar comment in yesterday's thread regarding this.

You probably don't want to hear this, but time will heal the wound and it'll scar over eventually.

You'll get desensitized to the pain of that wound over time and it gets better each time you revisit your memories of him.

The scar will always be a part of you though.

My suggestion is to find something to help take your mind off things. I started writing poetry and it really helped me in the recovery process. Running helped too. Basically something you can expend energy on.

PM me if you need a listening ear I'm responsive almost 24/7!

"There are three types of emotional wounds: those that heal quickly, those that take a long time to heal, and those that remain with you until you die." - Murakami

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