/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for November 16, 2017

Is there a need to travel all the way to Jurong whereby I can just meet you directly at police station or my Friend shop? Whether to consult a lawyer or whatever it has to be done let's get it straight to the point. Look, the stock was default hence everything you did and was recorded down don't play a hand on it saying you felt unfair and all sort of emotional. Look bro, in retail u purchased an item u cut the tag mean consider sold. A deal means a deal, our mistake on that part which we didn't do a LC that why no stock have been given up to any customer all collecting back. There's evidence btw me and the supplier which he tells me its authenticity we agreed on it; like us on a invoice. Whether u accept or not it's your part whereby shouldn't have cut it away. You try to be stubborn here never mind. What charges you going get is, abused the right of everything that we stated down and go against. Why consult your Whoever when police man and Lawyers is here? If you need the necessary information to play a part let me know I can assist you on any case which you want but don't play like a kid but a man. My partner have been helping me to resolve like we told you, once off tag means sold what you want us to do? You went to purchased a shoe in the end shoe default will the seller care or concerned with when the tag is off? Who will willing to take back? No matter how many we argue we admit to our fault and those default matter we collect back and throw away and able to refund we do refund accordingly to the subjectivity. All the information are here to to Prove it.

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