r/SpaceX Ask Anything Thread [October 2016, #25]

Q for Elon / SpaceX (for the AMA, please):

If anyone is going to solve the problem of distance and time in space travel, that being, the distances are so huge, and the times are so long, it will be Space X... Will SpaceX move into developing any non-propulsion models of travel? Since photon sails have do not solve the problem, I'm asking specifically about utilizing a bending of spacetime? I'm not being cheeky. What I imagine (as a potential way to accomplish this) would be, a vehicle that could survive an incredibly strong explosion... then, annihilate the anti-matter around the vehicle... creating a simulated singularity (?), pushing the vehicle through it's current plane into a 4th dimensional transition, then back to a location on our plane. At first this would be "see where the vehicle ends up," but eventually, using a really, really accurate computer model, we should be able to bounce the vehicle to different places, depending on whichever factors are manipulated. (Well, I'm not sure about any of the details, but the question is: Is SpaceX going to invent a non-propulsion vehicle to more quickly travel between distant places in space?)

/r/spacex Thread