r/spidermanps4 mod response to a r/raimimemes mod

Boygos is right, I am pretty fed up with this. I have been the only mod on that sub for 3 months, and 1082 posts removed in 48 hours, that's basically 3 people a minute bombarding the sub with stuff that wasn't asked for by most of the community. That's not including the amount of messages, chat requests, and modmails I've been spammed/dealt with.

I never said our sub is completely innocent, a few users decided to post gay and scat porn here, which content wise is far worse than a few memes. What's bugging me is that this sub is doing nothing to help, they're allowing these posts to remain up, which is causing grief to our subs. If I hadn't been around the last few days then we'd have over 1,000 posts just sat there making it impossible for the users on our sub to use it, just because of some joke on another subreddit. Why are we paying the price for it?

/r/raimimemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it