/r/The_Donald commentator claim the "Islamization of India" was the "bloodiest episode in human history" while deflecting responsibility for the genocide of the native Americans to cows

Yea, I'm very close to unsubscribing from here. If you wanted to (and some people sure seem to), you could have a low-quality post from subs like /r/the_donald every single day. Hell you could have multiple posts per day given how many idiotic comments in that sub delve on history. The same is true for extremist subs from the other end of the political spectrum.

But these low-quality posts if allowed to continue unfettered will utterly clog this sub, which is what we are seeing. The kind of low-effort write-up in this post just invites more low quality discussions and even more circlejerking. In fact, much of this posts itself seems explicitly against the rules as they stand, e.g. rule 4:

Do not [...] circle-jerk over 'bad' subreddits for non-history related reasons

And yet that is exactly what OP's post does from the get-go:

/r/The_donald is at it again with tons of bad history relating to Columbus that is so low-hanging that I couldn't be bothered to pick it up but there was this comment so blatant with it's hypocrisy and disregard for history that there was no way to let it go unrefuted in the echo-chamber that is that sub-reddit.

This kind of an intro makes it clear how the rest of the discussion will go if the mention of the sub in the title wasn't already enough of an indicator. And if you look at the top posts for the past month or so, it's full of these kinds of politics-driven low quality posts.

/r/badhistory Thread Parent