/r/the_donald compares themselves to holocaust victims

Men are very disadvantaged in our own unique way. We face problems involving having our issues being ignored, to be 'tough', the expectation to be a provider, putting our need aside for the needs of women and children, hyper competitiveness with one another (in some ways is good of course, but can be harmful), the fact that it's easier be dehumanized and that's likely a part of our DNA, most homeless are men, most suicides are men, so much more to talk about. That you've tried so little to understand these issues and think I'm just blaming it om "PCness and feminism" is a huge part of the problem.

But also, you can't fight fire with fire, my whole life I've always felt kind of invisible and irrelevant because of my skin color and my sexual orientation. Everyone else in the world was celebrated for being "gay" and "black" and "trans". And I was fine with that even if it is problematic and probably didn't help my emotional development very well. But now in the 2010s I'm actively being attacked because of who I am and mocked in the mainstream media. And that makes me very disillusioned. It fucks up my motivation. So it has to stop, I'm fighting for a society where we see the humanity and potential in everyone. We stop with all this hate and blame and trying to bring each other down because it's not constructive. What you do, blaming everything on white men is not constructive, because guess what? I lot of white men got the short end of the stick. People are varied, *gasp*.

I generalize the left, because subs like this and especially the socialism subreddit are doing nothing to discount these actions, left-leaning news outlets are actively not broadcasting this information, reddit mods are deleting many different threads in many different news related subreddits. And people in your friendly neighborhood left-leaning subs (such as this one!) are actively supporting what happened, and not being called out. They're being upvoted, in fact! And when I try to come in with some sanity, I get told I'm not a "man" because I don't like to have random people throw rocks at me "boohoo you should just take it. I believe in the rights of people to assault others in public because I want to live in a society with thicker skin" That's what people on your side, right here, right in this thread, that you suppoerted by laughing at me instead of calling him out, are saying. You asshole.

And you know why this pisses me off? Because Donald Trump is definitely going to get the vote now. Thanks, assholes.

/r/circlebroke Thread Parent