/r/The_Donald is literally using a picture of a dead child from the recent attack in France to make a shitpost. Shameful.

Oddly, in 2015 a similar Pew poll found that over 90% thought that doing violence in the name of their religion was rarely/never justified. (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/12/07/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/)

Maybe their issues come from the fact that many of the most extremists come from poor countries, with little education, and are literally decades behind the modern world? Maybe they would modernize and reform their religion if we (the "West") had a more positive influence into their society rather than bombing the fuck out of it like we have for decades? Maybe that's left a bad taste in their mouth? But nah, they can't reform to more moderate viewpoints like most American Muslims had. They're beyond redemption. They're subhuman. We should just kill them all right? You would suggest I should go down the street to the mosque in my town and get rid of the Muslims here and I'll be safer?

Blind arrogance and hatred never solves anything. I agree with your viewpoint they should assimilate into local culture if they want to live here. But you would have them denounce their God (which honestly, I think all organized religion is garbage) or they should be deported/"taken care of" before they could theoretically do violence against me on the off-chance they are a secret extremist? I hate extremists of all types. You may not have killed anyone yourself, but just like their hateful rhetoric has caused innocents to die, yours may too someday.

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com