/r/weedstocks Weekend Post - Saturday, [August 25, 2018]

For just some shits and giggles. Daniel Shaker on Green Thumb's leadership board has been with DIAGEO since 2001, worked his way up to VP sales at one point. DIAGEO has said they are interested in LPs with a US focus. Green Thumb almost 100% got a license in New York (perhaps Etain Health?), arguably as big now as Acreage with more consistent state-wide branding and better rated products/dispensaries. Some have said GTII is emerging as the "Canopy" of the South. Revenues are massive with only 13 out of a potential 50+ dispensaries operating on only medical. I troll a lot here on this board, get a shit of downvotes, but seriously I would like to generate some discussion on this.

/r/weedstocks Thread