"Race changing is going to be a thing eventually, here's why:"...'Transracial' butter in /r/TumblrInAction.

Here's what I think is actually going to happen: people will simply realize what race is: a social construct that doesn't really exist. Culture exists, ethnicity (German, African-American, Han Chinese) exists, the color of skin exists (so does hair and eye color), but "race"... no, not really. It's interesting to note that there is often more genetic variance among peoples within certain racial groups (I'm thinking of people from sub-Saharan Africa, who most people would call "black") than between racial groups. Race really is absolutely meaningless, and I'm not just saying that to be all warm and fuzzy and trite.

If you look at the history of who has been considered "white" in America, for a long time Jewish people and Irish people weren't considered white. Eastern Europeans weren't considered white. When you fill out some kind of ID form, in the box for race, why is "Non-Hispanic White" an option? So now there are races within races? It is absolutely, 100% arbitrary, completely dependent on what the society dictates race means.

So I don't think there's ever going to be a major "transracial" movement, because that's stupid when race doesn't actually exist in the first place. People should sooner just stop classifying themselves by race altogether, and maybe pay more attention to their nationality if they really want to put a label on themselves. As for the whole Rachel Dolezal thing... I really don't think it matters. She had an African-American parent, she was raised within African-American culture... so what? I think it was dishonest of her to pretend she was not born from two white parents, but past that, if she can do a good job as head of an NAACP chapter than let her.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link - np.reddit.com