Race drama in /r/dataisbeautiful when a link showing that black Americans are killed 12 times the rate of those in developed countries. But many users don't care."Maybe somebody should tell them to stop shooting each other for dumb shit. I'm so tired of hearing about the poor American black man."

Its not racist. These are the facts. Black people are criminals. In fact just last night I was driving the freeway through the snowstorm because I had been doing some extra work at the office to have my team well prepared for the week ahead. In the blizzard I had to stop at a gas station to resupply in the black part of the city.

I exit my car and go inside and while grabbing what preparations I needed there was a small pack of negroids up near the front. One great ape of a man resembling Gorilla Grodd says: "awwww shheeeeeeiiiiittt I done broke mah crack pipe gibbe a dolla so I can has new one" One mulatto resembling Gollum in ill fitting clothes tries to talk sense into him "We needs this dollas to gets home its freeeeeeeeeeeeeezzing" the third slack jawed with some type of bone in his head and drooling at the thought of more crack says "fuck dat we jack car get home. Jack Jack nigga Jack!"

Well I parted this meeting of the minds to pay for my supplies and one of them turned to me and asked "you got a dolla man?" I said, "Yes I do, hundreds on me, thousands in a liquid account, hundreds of thousands in investments, and millions in savings and properties. I have plenty of Dollars. Good day and thanks for asking"

Not content with that answer he demands "Gibbe a dolla". I tell him "Haha, nothing in this world comes for free young man, you have to earn it. But surely with all this snow this fine arab business owner would employ you to clear his walkways and the parking lot"

"What us work? no we nigs! nigs for life! niggas jack NIGGAS JACK" and they all began beating their chests, slapping their palms on the ground hooting and hollaring. More negros appeared out of the fog of darkness, swinging in yelling "worldstar". To protect myself and property I drew my piece. They stepped back, the ancilliary negros retreated back into the trees the three main negroes chose the mutt presumably the best spoken to apologize. "ohh sheeiiit wesa so sorry, weesa never do it agains please" they all began crying. I gave them hugs and was about to tell them how to be upstanding young men like I would my own sons when some sort of a liberal bursted in. Looking like an Obama drone a long daddy pimp in a suit that was probably the village elder to them he demanded the men not listen to any sage advice I had to offer about the value of hard work and continue to leech off the backs of hard working americans.

As they took off I looked at the arab. Stared right into his soul with the penance for all Americans harmed by their kind and said "GOOD SIR! For 300 years now the negro was the white mans burden and his alone. We trained them up from field animals to fine workers to presidents and business owners. I will not allow you to openly peddle drug parephenalia in these communities to disparage and victimize them to fuel your war on terror against us! Prepare to be Americanized. I punched through bullet proof glass, grabbed him pulled him through, took him to the junk food aisle and ripped open every bag of pork rinds shoving them down his throat. "YOUR GOD IS LIES, REPENT AND FEEL THE STING OF THE TRUE GOD JESUS CHRIST". whimpering "America is dominate praise Jesus" I knew my work was finished that night for me. But for The Rest OF AMERICA and every day and night our work is never finished with the lesser races

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com