Rachel Marsden: Is a Trump doctrine already taking shape?

"It's possible that a Trump foreign policy doctrine is already taking shape, characterized by a shift from political engagement to economic engagement, and a reduction in the unelected Washington establishment's influence."

It's also more possible that the Trump administration--as they have shown with the Russia, taxes, the Internet, white supremacy, mass shootings, media relations, and pies--has no clue what they are doing. They do not understand the actions or protocol used in international relationships, nor do they understand the amount of work involved in doing a job properly.

So, is a Trump doctrine taking shape on purpose? No. Like the lazy kid in class who wanted other kids to do his work, Trump is showing he lacks the ability to formulate a doctrine that the rest of the world would respect. Other countries are disregarding the United States because we no longer matter.

/r/politics Thread Link - baltimoresun.com