Racial & Linguistic Map of South Africa


The best way to describe Coloured people would essentially be the African version of Mestizos (since we are a mix of Native and European ancestry and speak a European language). I myself am Coloured.

We have Dutch forenames and Dutch surnames, speak Afrikaans (daughter language of Dutch), have mixed ancestry (Native and European - mainly Dutch, as well as a bit of Asian heritage) and our culture is very similar to the local White Afrikaner culture (braai culture, rooibos tea, rugby, language, etc).

Coloured people make up the main racial group in Western South Africa but this is due to the Cape region having a low population density. There are only about 5.3m Coloured people (compared to about 50m Black people, 4.5m White people and 1.5m Asian people).

The vast majority of Asian people are Indian and speak English natively, although we have a fairly large Chinese immigrant community.

Most White South Africans are Afrikaner or English

/r/MapPorn Thread Link - i.imgur.com