Racism against Asians goes unnoticed

That is all too often the white way. These types of people lead with societal and moral barbarism wrapped in a flag of half baked truth, nobility, and faux elitism only to slowly but surely create a society that does nothing but squeeze the life out of everything around it, including our very souls. This what you get when you have a culture that only knows how to take and take and not how to give back in any meaningful sense of the word. It's a symptom of much of the western world, but in America especially where it's history is a fraction of that of almost every other developed country, and built ENTIRELY on stolen land absolutely soaked in the blood of merciless genocide and slavery and propped upon a structure of racism, nepotism, aggressive militarism, and an economy that revolves around a banking system that is literally designed to self generate debt...all these people have, literally the only power they can project in their lives, is their whiteness. To acknowledge everything else and direct their anger at that would be to reject their last vestiges of relevance or percieved privilege and comfort.

Sadly these types are typically victims of their own upbringing despite how much we might want to be angry at them. They are creatures of consumerism, blind Christian faith, and corporate propaganda. The white western mentality is literally killing this world and it's people and the fact he gives YOU shit for wearing masks, when it is entitled white folks in this country that have been the primary source of Covid deaths and infections is really just the dumb dumb cherry on top. Lack of conscious awareness and critical thinking from the top down is how these people are conditioned to operate. I've begun to just feel sorry for them lately, like how do we as a culture begin to repair such a massively hemorrhaging hateful wound when it is such a core part of their identity?

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