DO you think racism against Whites has exploded into a massive problem? How will Trump solve this?

Hey dude, you are as somebody as anyone else. Its totally cool to have your opinions, and there are probably some bad experiences you have had, or some moments you felt unsafe/undervalued that led to the conclusions.

I deal with bs too and feel undervalued, but from the other end, being in the minority. I think everyone feels undervalued and unsafe, would like to be valued and feel safe. These things aren't racial in my mind, but American issues. Poverty, homelessness, lack of access to education, opportunity for success, wealth, safety, liberty, etc. effect everyone, of all races. My view is that most of these problems can be better solved without the racial component, than with them, and in general, I hate identity politics, because it divides good Americans against each other, instead of bringing us together to solve the problems we need to solve.

I think you got a good heart, I'm glad that you are being honest with yourself, and I don't think you're a troll at all. Thanks for being here.

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