Racism in the Community

Well I think that almost all porn is misogynistic, and cuckolding is the porn that exists to satisfy people with that sexist "red pill" attitude. I think the material that could crossover with subwife is very obvioulsy misogynistic. I think this whole thing is really about male pleasure.

Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks is true if you have a red pill, cuckold mentality. That's because things happen to you to that confirm this worldview. That doesn't mean it's true. For one thing, gender is socially constructed. Plenty of women are turned off by hypermasculine behaviour, so some bulls are probably too much for many wives. The average bull in one culture, might seem repulsive to members of another culture.

If this model of attraction was really how things were, so many people wouldn't be here with stories of pulling teath to get their wives to even consider this fetish. This fetish is completely dominated by men, because it's a small subset of men who think this way.

I also wonder how many men have a modanna-whore mindset, that rather than work on getting over, they just embrace.

I'm also curious, what do you disagree with when it comes to red pillers? The Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks is like the core belief. If you accept that premise, what about it don't you accept?

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