Racism in fs fandom.

While there’s certainly racism in the fandom, I feel like you’re cherry picking some of your points here. The points about the Korean skaters are valid, as are the points about the Korean fandom, as are the points about people saying “natural small bodies,” but…

The “Asian skaters aren’t expressive and boring” isn’t a criticism aimed specifically at Asian skaters and for some reason people only get offended or call it racist when it’s leveled at Asian skaters. It’s a common criticism just about every skater of every race has received. Feel free to cancel me for not finding a criticism as old as the sport itself (well, older than the sport if you count theatre reviews about bad actors) a micro aggression or racist.

Vincent Zhou being disliked for his politics is again, not necessarily racist. Remember Courtney Hicks getting cancelled for similar stuff? Or all the criticism Scott Hamilton’s gotten over the years for his homophobia and strange cult-like branch of Christianity?

/r/FigureSkating Thread