Racism Mega Thread

It happens when your grandma locks her car doors if another race walks by. It ALSO happens if you don’t speak up and tell her it’s wrong.

It happens on Facebook when you see racist comments. It also happens when you don’t comment and tell the person they are lacking empathy.

It happens when we try to justify how many times white people keep killing black men. It happens when we laugh at a joke about Chinese people during the coronavirus pandemic.

It has happened for centuries and is still happening today. I’m tired of being silent about it. It is NOT okay for us, the white people, to keep living our lives turning a blind eye to the outrage we should be feeling. We humans are largely still targeting our own fellow humans because they look different than us.

Granted, we may not act or be racist, but it’s still white privilege to not speak up to our own friends and family who have small-minded thoughts and actions toward other races.

How hard is it to try to understand people of other races are tired of our bullying? Some have been beaten, raped, enslaved, and are STILL having some of that happen in 2020. This is NOT okay; this is evil. We have been considered, “white devils” for a reason. It’s time for self-reflection, because we have people out here of our own human race, fearing for their own lives, the lives of their children, and the lives of their children’s children. Being silent is not enough. There need to be conversations amongst our own race and other races as well.

This must become a priority. And before you tell me other races hate you without even knowing you, or before you tell me all lives matter, think about the history of our own, empathize with other races, think of your own actions and silence, then and only then respond.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread