Racism, Not Genetics, Explains Why Black Americans Are Dying of COVID-19

"In the time of COVID-19, this finding is a reminder that genetic ancestry might matter only because we think it should. If we assume that people who are racialized as “black” or “white” are fundamentally different and treat them accordingly, the paradoxical result is that it will produce the very biological differences we presumed to exist in the first place. But it’s not because of any deep-seated differences in our DNA. It’s because our social structures and attitudes promote the well-being of some and devalue others."

You're just misrepresenting what she wrote. She's giving examples of authors who've concluded there's a genetic basis to racial inequality when there's literally no evidence. They HTN one especially - they couldn't (and still can't) find any genetic underpinning to explain that HTN. It's just an old explanation that works because of what OP said above.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Parent Link - blogs.scientificamerican.com