Racism, sexism, sl*t shaming, shaming teenage moms everything's there..

From what I’ve seen nowadays trying to find a long term partner whilst learning and working to improve myself and my situation, girls don’t like that….they prefer the made man already but don’t realise that 90% of the made men are here to enjoy specially from the ages of 19 to 30 a lot of friends from college atm are divorced single mothers and I’m saying this hand on heart. They went for materialistic things and now they’re suffering. Me myself when I talk to a girl I want to get married I’ll introduce them to my mum and all (south Asians are very quick with getting married) I’ll plan cute dates I’ll be there when she’s upset etc etc etc but somehow I’m never enough then you see them cuddled up with someone that’s driving a nice benz etc etc then few days later they’re single again. Social media has ruined us always looking for easy way to look and get rich. Give the guy that’s working his ass off a chance and maybe you won’t become a single mother. Find someone that acc sees you as a woman sees you with them in the future.

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