Why Racism Will Not (And Should Not) Die

Fascists explicitly maintain capitalist industries for the glory of the nation, and the Nazis explicitly courted industrialists. They are not socialists. No, don't link me to the Hitler quote where he dismisses socialism and capitalism and promotes the third way, I've seen it.

Fascism and National Socialism are not the same thing. The fact that you think they are the same tells me you have never actually looked into National Socialism from the perspective of National Socialists. You have never actually looked into their own words, just what others say about them. Unfortunately, due to the war and the crushing defeat that Germany and National Socialism itself suffered, a complete economic transformation was never able to be completed. What they did have though is a system that I would take over our own any day of the week. You can read what are essentially the origins of National Socialist economic policy in Manifesto For the Abolition of Interest-Slavery by Gottfried Feder.

The concept of "Races" in nonsense. Ethnicity, maybe, but not race. Race is much more cultural and historical than phenotypical.

How is the concept of "race" nonsense? But oh wait, do you actually think it is? Because in the very next sentence you talk about race as if it is real. So which is it? You remind me of #WhichHillary. One need only open their eyes to see that races do indeed exist. Which race in the US commits the majority of crimes despite only comprising roughly 13% of it? Which race, no matter where they are in large numbers, brings with it a disproportionate amount of crime and low IQs? Which race, when they gather in large numbers in an area with white people, causes white people to flee (white flight) and leave behind whatever area they previously lived in, to be ravaged by the apes? Which race had to be shown everything by the white man, but denounces them at every turn and is unable to operate at a sufficient level without them? They would be absolutely nothing without colonialism. They were still shitting on the floor and living in huts when whites arrived and many of them still do so to this day.

A land for every race" is intensely nationalist nonsense that doesn't stand up to a moment's scrutiny and directly undermines the only thing keeping society afloat; immigration.

Holy shit, you think "the one thing keeping society afloat" is immigration? Not the already existing people in a country who work, breed, invent and discover? Not militaries or police forces? Not basic nescesseties of life? But rather, immigration? No, you can not convince me immigration is "the one thing" that keeps society afloat. Societies existed long before mass immigration from one country to another was ever a thing. But I am not against immigration anyway. I am fine with whites migrating to other white countries, and black migrating to other black countries. I simply want the races to be kept separate and the bloodlines to not be polluted any more than they already have been.

It also begs the question of why a race needs a nation of its own, when countries like Switzerland and Canada demonstrate you can have many different cultures and racial groups living in harmony under a single government.

A race does not need its own country. We also don't need National Socialism, which I support. However, I do believe in earnest that it would make the lives of everyone much better. I can not speak for Switzerland or Canada, but in the US the mixing of races has been a complete failure, for the reasons I mentioned above but not only those; Hispanics have flooded this country and now many areas are completely dominated by them. If they continue to flood in and breed like they have been, whites will be a minority in about 30 years. There is very little white pride in this country due to the Jewish media and the other races always putting us down and making us feel ashamed of our past. So I suppose it should be no surprise that most white people don't give a fuck that their own race is dying out only to be replaced by inferior peoples.

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