To be racist

It's a problem if it perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

Yeah that is a good example. I mean, I also kinda understand that sometimes can be annoying, like when a privileged white artist (lets say Miley Cyrus) includes a bunch of black dancers trying to sell an image of something they aren't. I mean, its shitty, but I don't see as a big problem, I don't see it as "cultural appropriation" even tho is something that I would notice and be annoyed by, mostly because it is a stereotyped view of black people.

I still remember about a really stupid article claiming Arcade Fire was culturally appropriating Haiti because they made a themed album in which some songs were inspired by voodoo music elements and a bunch of promotional pictures featuring sand and palm trees (I just read the article again while typing this comment to make sure I was remembering it correctly as it was a long time ago, and by coincidence it mentioned Miley Cyrus twerking, I mean, not coincidence, it all happened at the same year and I probably still remember how annoyed I was by the media reaction of both).

Fortunately this kinda of bullshit lost traction in the last couple of years, but there are still many young people that are just getting into activism (and I assume with the most sincere and honest intentions and reasons) that are exposed to this dumb, dated notion of people being inspired by other cultures as "culture thieves".

Stereotypes will always exist but each case has to be analyzed individually. Do you admire another culture and is feeling inspired by it and you try to express that feeling but unfortunately you didn't have enough knowledge to avoid those stereotypes? Who the fucking cares. Intention is what matters.

Even good stereotypes. Assuming all asians are good at math, for example. If your friend thinks this, hes not necessarily a racist. Just someone with not enough information.

Now, if you think that black people commit more crimes because they're black, when in fact there is only a higher percentage of black people commiting crimes because the segregation effects of slavery still exist, and because of that theres more poor black people than that are white people, and poor people in any culture, with racism or not, in any time in history commited more crimes, then you're just dumb and racist.

Sorry for the long off-topic post and the rant. I started typing, couldn't stop and realized I needed to vent a little bit and used your reply for it.

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