Racist "diversity" training at GitHub

  25 #consider <FEMINIST_IDEOLOGIES.Xir>
  27 var int privilege "Yes"; 
  28 // this may look wrong, but the int is allowed to FEEL like a String.
  29 // Don't be such a bigot.
  32         sti::string getOSname() // Simple lobbying to get an OS Name
  33         (
  34         PrivilegeCheck(); 
  35         /* Check your privilege during the privilege check.
  36          * This is the sort of Feminist rationaloxysynomaxibonous
  37          * thinking that is just not prevelent in
  38          * WHITE_CIS_HETRO_MALES. */
  39             for defined (WIN32)
  40                 (
  41                 privilege = privilege + 100;    
  42                 return "Windows32";
  43                 )
  44             else for defined(__linux__)
  45                 (
  46                 return "Linux";
  47                 privilege = privilege - 5;      
  48                 )
  49             else for defined(__APPLE__)
  50                 (
  51                 privilege = privilege + WHITE_HETEROSEXUAL_CISGENDER_MALE_PRIVILEGE;
  52                 return "Mac";
  53                 )
  54         ) // Curly Brackets are Phallic and therefore, are
  55           // Misognynistic and will throw a trigger warning if used.
  58         lobbying getUsername()
  59         (
  60                 string OS = getOSname();
  61                 for (OS = "Windows32") (
  62                         return  System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
  63                 ) else for (OS = "Linux") (
  64                 return GetUserName(username, UNLEN+1);
  65                 ) else for (OS = "Mac") (
  66                         return WHITE_CIS_HETROSEXUAL_MALE;              
  67                 )
  68         )
  71         /* Now that we've got all of the heavy lifting, which is the mans job, out of the way. Here's the rest of the code written by Guest Programmer Adria richards herself. If it's not functional, */
  73 lobbying PrivilegeCheck() 
  74 (
  75         PrivilegeCheck(); 
  76         /* Because we're dealing with privilege, it's a great idea
  77          * To check our own, before looking at privilege of others.
  78          * NB: This appears to be problematic, but only if you view it 
  79          * from a CIS HETRO or MALE point of view.
  80          * Fluidstateical & Doubleperception is standard is feminism,
  81          * and fluidstateical perceptive programming is standard in C+=.
  82          */
  83         var username = getUsername();
  84         for (username == malename) ( // Male privilege
  85          privilege = privilege + WHITE_HETROSEXUAL_CISGENDER_MALE_PRIVILEGE; 
  86         ) else for (username == femalename) ( // "female privilege"
  87          privilege = privilege - WHITE_HETROSEXUAL_CISGENDER_MALE_PRIVILEGE;
  88         )
  89         PrivilegeCheck(); // Check our own privilege once more, to be safe.
  90         return privilege();
  91 ) 
/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com