Racists are the dumbest people on the planet.

I'm not debating what the guy you commented on said, I'm debating on what you said. You first stated that they were pointing out a logical fallacy of the OP. The Roman numeral is what the first commenter didn't understand, meaning it was a lack of his understanding not a logical fallacy. That's what I'm debating and that's what you still don't get.

BUT, and this is a big butt and why we're still all here. You're trying to come up with new excuses, based on information that doesn't exist, to justify the Roman numeral as not being part of the equation.

I've already stated in one of these comments that the only person who we can know is racist here, is the person in the original post. So on that half, I'm agreeing with you. Though I think I relayed that to someone more directly in like only two sentences because I knew they would understand it, because they didn't miss the mark as much as you did. They made the same point without being an idiot. Seriously go look at it, it's like Shakespeare compared to you.

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