racist's nuts get obliterated

Uh no if it's used by one race without issue but they assault another race for using it it's racism. It's also never acceptable to attack a person because you don't like something they are saying. That just says you're intolerant of other people's opinions and if you use the same damn words you're complaining about then you're a racist hypocrite. You understand that equality means you get treated the same as everyone else and it means you're supposed to treat everyone else the same as well, it doesn't mean you get to dictate special rules for your own race and complain if other people don't follow them. Equality has lots of great things with it but there's also bad. You can't have all the good if it means you refuse the bad and freedom to have your own opinions means you'll have to realize others with have their own as well. If you assault people for using a word it just means that you're incapable of discussion or debate and your own opinions do not deserve to be recognized. It also means you're a gigantic douchebag.

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