Rad question

10 days on rad + 10mg nolva +12.5mg clomid (don't adn me why 2 serms, I was coming off something)

on deficit (must be like 500 give or take).

Moods been decent. I won't say it like a testosterone kinda good for me but more stable for me(and my test a week ago was 102ng/dl, don't expect it to be 400 now).

I have BPD and i was skeptical before trying, even ostarine gave me some shedding before. I am shedding but I need another week to say that properly.

Insomnia? Yes. The anger kinda really really slight passive aggressive sorta.

"hey, ya sure work in... NONONONO you CAN NOT change the attachment. It'll complicate"

I would say this earlier as well but I'm not adamant clear and loud. Also, bit more socialiable in the gym and when I throw plates on Deadlift, it's a fuck-you that's why weight.

Rad rage is exaggerated tbh, Atleast for me.

/r/sarmssourcetalk Thread