Radiohead's live from A Moon Shaped Pool event in Istanbul is attacked

No problem at all. I love when people can discuss a thing politely.

Now all this:

It's not like Christians haven't slaughtered thousands in the name of Christianity before, though. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition just to name the popular ones. Now I'm sure it's easy to argue that that was a long time ago, but my point is neither religion is inherently the problem, they're just convenient avenues for assholes to exert their assholish wills. The reason Islam is seen in the bad light it's seen in is because the Middle East is such a shitshow (and has been for a couple decades now) that terrorism is somewhat appealing to the few people who are desperate enough. Similar to how certain Christians in the US use their religion to make people hate the "scary" homosexuals etc., Muslims in the Middle East use their religion to make people hate the "scary" Westerners. Not to mention, there are Muslims outside of the Middle East but you don't hear a lot of people calling for the banning of Indonesian immigrants, or really any sort of "Islamic" terrorism (I used quotes because it's a bastardization of Islam) from that part of the world. Hell in some parts of SE Asia it's the Muslims that are getting killed (by Buddhists no less).

I agree with. So I'm mostly just going to skip it. Maybe people think I'm defending Christianity too much, but Christians just don't do the same things or believe in the same things that Muslims do nowadays. Although of course, that's heavily because the majority of Christians are in a more "civilized" environment. So back in middle ages or whenever, I probably be wary of a priest shouting "praise Jesus" just as I would a Muslim shouting "allahu akbar". Although I would also argue that the ideology of Islam is more outwardly violent, I don't want to derail this conversation to much.

Now this:

Also when our society decries Islam as a whole we make more Muslims feel alienated and like they are the enemy, which makes them targets for terrorist recruiters. Basically, what I'm saying is, you're helping the terrorists win. I apologize for the wall of text, but this is a complex issue and I hate to see people spread intolerance.

I would argue that any individual that would commit such heinous acts of violence would not be so easily influenced.

Example time. I'm a white guy. Behold my pasty white skin. But when someone talks about race crimes, or white supremacists like the KKK, I don't give a hoot. Why's that? Because I'm not this crazy white guy being crazy. Of course I wished that the KKK member or whatever wasn't acting violently in the name of his skin color. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and murder people because of my skin now.

You get me, or am I just rambling?

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