Ragen, when “them” includes almost the entire scientific community, true professional and expert athletes and dancers and most medical professionals...you should listen. (From Instagram).

I've seen people with tattoos that say things like this. It's one of those things that looks motivational if you're 14, but then with any thought at all is just sad.

The person who wrote it -- and the person who shares it -- is utterly wrapped up in what others think about them, to the point where it defines everything about them. It's a narcissistic child's view of the world, which is fine when you are a child, because that's how childred are supposed to be.

Growing up means realizing that people aren't judging you, misunderstanding you, gossiping about you, or holding any opinions at all about you. People are too busy doing their own thing to bother focusing on you enough to give a shit. You aren't special, except to a VERY small, select group of friends and family.

Growing up means taking care of your own shit and realizing that everyone else is taking care of theirs.

/r/RagenChastain Thread Link - i.redd.it