'Raising the minimum wage won't do anything'

You know what would have been way harder than being snarky? Trying to understand what my argument actually is . You seem to think I’m against the minimum wage or unions . Ok. Believe what you want . You negating my entire point here about price controls , as if you think they are bad .

Look, minimum wage is great , but England has way more price controls than the USA does . You are using countries that have heavy price controls to try and disprove my point about price controls . It’s probably why instead of making a valid proposition against my conclusion, you’d rather strawman my premises simply because I didn’t write you a god damn essay explaining what I mean.

In my opinion , more things should be free at the point of service like Medicare for all is, so I want to be more focused on expanding the idea of price controls rather than the time tested and failed method of hoping our government will fight for working people and keep the minimum wage under control.

The unions are there to run the business, I’m not talking about yellow unions that suck the bosses cock to get 50 more cents an hour. I’m talking about socialist unions that run the entire business and negate the need for a capitalist in the business entirely .

The things you are argueing for are only true in a very narrow context. You are not taking into account how actively capitalists try to dismantle any good idea a democrat like you has. The actions much be taken further , through price controls, in order to shackle capitalists and stop them from negating any positive effects a minimum wage increase could have .

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it