RALI reforming as F4TE

Unproductive to talk about this on a pornographic site; that said, I wonder if people are able to emotionally bond with others deeply, at least has never been the case with me. I have been in many relationships but I always put myself foremost; others below me. In any of my relationships, family, friendships, or sexual relations, I've always acted to be concerned, and to some extent played the role but only to gain something out of it. That is true, even for my own family. This is the reason why I never understood the concepts of 'cheating' or 'netorare'. After all, everything is fair, so long as it is legal, and I gain something out of it- in terms of trusts, favors, credits, estate, fame or any other. Given that I have both looks and intellect, and to some extent money, I agree that things have been easier for me than commoners. However, I still find it ridiculous seeing the agonized and animalistic comments on this site. For instance, take an example from this non-sensical piece of fiction: Put yourself in the place of the boyfriend. You get to satisfy your sexual desires with that female. Should that not be enough? Why should it matter whether she feels satisfied? Why should you bother? If she does, she should inform you; and you may choose to do something about it. If not, what problem is there? It is her own problem; and again she can choose whatever she wants to do with her life. I do not see that guy spending much on her. As such I think, it is a good situation for both- the boyfriend and the otaku. So long as she does not become too filthy, or catch an STD, things could work just fine. In fact, I've seen that females have an enhanced sense of guilt compared to males ( from my experiences). You should make good use of that. With that you could squeeze out her life till she decides to break up with you. Again, she would not dare to ruin your reputation either, because that would in turn reveal her infidelity, and backfire. From what I see, the female is the miserable one here. She could not get pleasure from her average-looking boyfriend; she gets a little pleasure out of having intercourse with the below average-looking otaku guy; of course the guilt of infidelity; gets not even a fake sense of security or fulfilment of emotional needs. This is assuming that the female is a neurotypical female. I really wonder why the unbright individuals below cannot realize this. And that 'penis volume' thing is just humorously ridiculous. Do not be concerned about that- just focus on your goals and how to realize them. The way to go nowadays is to not get emotionally attached to anyone (even if you are a neurotypical). If you absolutely need emotional fulfilment, then I am probably not the right person to talk to. In any case, this marks the end of the talk. Another thing, why 'self-insert' yourself (I do not completely understand the concept of self-insertion)? Try watching the events unfold as a spectator (although the plot is next to none, and too generic). My pleasure arises from looking at the miserable and tormented state of females, which was fulfilled.

How bold of you to assume that I am 'sexually attracted' to 'females alone'. I dislike sexual intercourse, and find romance absolutely repulsive. What attracts me is femininity- it need not be a female. I enjoy their suffering- be it physical, or psychological. I am what neurotypicals call a 'sadist'. It might not be easy for you to obtain what you want, but the same restrictions do not apply to me to that extent- not when I have both superior intellect and looks, and even money to some extent when compared to average people. The only reason I even read pornography, is to avoid tormenting real people- that can be troublesome, even for me. I love many gore and torture comics this website has; however sometimes even they are not enough, and I have to switch to the darknets, to find some 'real' content. I do not require 'true love', because I do not possess those emotions. It is completely worthless to me. The rest I can obtain easily; if not, I can plan well enough to obtain it in either the long run or the short run, given my priorities; and if something is unobtainable, I do not bother investing my resources in obtaining it. This applies to not only people, but also objects; and to the people it applies, are not limited to outsiders, they include my own family; I can plan against my own family, if it benefits me in some way.

I do agree with you about you being a 'retard'. I wonder what led you to the conclusion that you were assumed to be a neurotypical. The words used were 'It /might/ not be easy for you' and 'I am what /neurotypicals call a sadist/'. Do explain the rules of logic used to come to that conclusion; I am interested. The statements never reflected any assumptions about your gender/mental state/country of origin or any other personal attribute. All in all, none have any reason to believe any other- of course, it goes both ways. It is better to keep statements as generic as possible, unless of course the poster wants you to assume so, or a sufficient amount of information has been collected. That said, naught is resistant to errors; it is only human to do so.

And, personally, I loathe masochists. Those swines ought to be castrated alive, with their filthy organs of pleasure stomped up on- but that would only serve to get them off. How perverse.

On another note, I do feel elated for stealing the comment virginities of some accounts, say snuggubus and burnlogic- that or they delete their comments very often, quite the prideless individuals in which case. Those scums must be grateful to me; who else was going to rob their accounts of their virginities, that had been rotting for almost a year. The insects' accounts would've remained virgin for their remaining lifespans otherwise- how disgusting.

Average people really have low intellects- that said most that access this site are even below that mark. Primarily, calling this piece of pornography a 'doujin', especially when the tags clearly state 'manga' is a tad appalling. Secondarily, what made them think this was a fight is incomprehensible. Tertiarily, their souls burning with urges to remind me of the productivity of my talks despite their incompetence, and the unproductiveness of their desires, is quite commendable- sarcasm but of course. Quaternarily, I clearly stated that 'loathing masochists' was a personal opinion, and had less to do with the morality of being a masochist- it is the same as when one comments about 'disliking vegetables', 'detesting blacks', 'abhorring females', and so on.

It is the same as when one questions the existence of a God. It can neither be proved, nor be disproved. It is purely subjective to what one believes in. Even scientific facts and physical laws, or more generally any statement cannot be proved, without any underlying assumptions- that may include the proportion of the audience that finds the proof acceptable. Likewise, a man who picks up a rotten apple once, does not learn to spot every rotten apple there is- in other words he does not gain the ability to prove the state of an apple once encountered. Intellect, gender, mental state, health are all continuous spectrums- there is no binary decision or even a classification of finite cardinality. In a similar manner, not all psychopaths exhibit the same traits. The proportion of psychopaths to the rest of the population is so low, that it does not make a large enough sample set.

The ASPD spectrum has several other specializations- sociopathy, narcissism, sadistic personality disorder, and so on. They further divide it into high functioning and low functioning, which I do not completely agree with- low functioning does not imply low intellect; and many other sub-divisions. Psychopathy aside, I did not even once mention in my comments about it, now did I? To conclude, try to not mix up what is stated at profiles with what is being commented, if the conversation is to be kept rational. Although, it does not necessarily mean that what is stated at my profile is off the mark- only the beliefs of the reader matter.

It is a trait of commoners (average folks) to feel the need to point out what they think is pointless, by posting pointless comments themselves. Interestingly, commoners always tend to think that they are normal, and are attracted to normalcy like flies are attracted to lamps; and that if they find something abnormal, other commoners will as well. This is how these insects are able to form swarms of like-minded mongrels like themselves. This swarm strengthens each of its member, by reinforcing its common ideals, protecting its weakling individuals, and develops an inertia of normalcy.

Take for instance two insects below these two posts- a poster of the 'whatever' comment; and another, a poster of the 'dumb' comment. Commoners lack processing abilities, and it takes a lot of effort, and time, for them to process even a single paragraph; and the result is very prone to errors. They would rather waste (spend) this time masturbating- which of course would make some sense, given that this is a pornographic site. The dumb also instinctively find others who are superior to them dumber- a trait very often found in commoners.

Unfortunately, these inferior commoners also exist in the majority; and tend to find everyone out of that tiny circle that they've drawn up a threat to their lowly and wretched existence. If not for the strength of their swarm, it would've been easier to eradicate, and eliminate their inferior genes off the face of this planet that they've infested.

/r/Connery Thread