Rally against the dictatorship. Venezuela 12/02/19

Instead he does need it, since these photos and video are probably from a different source: https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/2435095-20190124-venezuela-photos-videos-manifestations-detournees-reseaux-sociaux

It's not news that a lot of the stuff being thrown around in internet is completely false propaganda, and I know personally an ambassador from Venezuela and I had the occasion of talking with people from Venezuela and the situation is completely different from what is portrayed on reddit or on other media.

It's almost like well-off americans try to justify capitalism because it's the only system they know, and not even knowing what they're talking about when they talk about communism since Venezuela's economy is mostly privately owned (80% private), which is probably more or less the same as other capitalist countries.

If they're doing communism, well, let me tell you they're doing it in a pretty strange way.

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