Rambling from a lonely introvert.

As a fellow extrovert who have thought this through and out... You have lost of energy here. Why do you convert that energy to hatred, self-hatred which you project on those people, people who failed so many times at doing this "person who knows exactly when to pause, when to raise their voice, and when to drop it to a whisper, I abhor the kind of people who have crowds around them in parties telling some amazing story with no beginning or an end but they have so much charm that the crowd is basically applauding by the end of it" that they actually almost stopped failing at being like that. You hate people who learned to do something you'd want to do? Shouldn't you hate yourself for not learning that??? You're a this type of person: "You can become the best either by having superior skills or by crushing those who are better than you". If those are your "great" ideas people would be captivated to hear... well, I surely wouldn't like to hear that. I personally hate people who hate other for their own lack of skill/effort/determination... I hate those who succumb to fear, hate and destruction. I hate those who blames others just cause' they are too scared to fail.

Also, do you realize a paradox here??? Like, if you'd be in a room full of people with NO extroverts or those 'great' public speakers. If you'd try speaking and captivating other with your speech, you'd become "that extrovert" you hate so much and you'd make other people "introverts like you" to feel this awful feeling you're so familiar with.

So, even though I'm fellow introvert, don't lump yourself with me, please. I value morale and justice. What are your values?

/r/Needafriend Thread