I ran across this video and it made me sad. Do you think you will be working until death? Or will you find some other options so your later years aren't stuck having to still clock in (via: @truckin_justin)

See this is a fantastic point that I was just thinking inside my head as well. Like I feel some people get to a point in life where they might not truly be happy. But they have to just try to convince themselves and others that they are. When in reality you might be hurting inside because you don't have this or that type of situation.

For the most part it's not always about money. A lot of people escape to jobs because they might not have any family or friends. And this kind of gives them that spark of life to be social and to have some fulfillment to their days. And this isn't only older folks, there's a lot of young people that may have lives like that as well.

/r/povertyfinance Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it