Rand Paul Has the Most Dangerous Economic Views of Any 2016 Candidate

Armenians were Christians who were highly educated in many professions, wealthy, commercially and politically connected. They were the glue that held the Ottoman Empire together. The Zionists wanted to destroy them because they were commercial competition in the region and the Zionists wanted to break up the Ottoman Empire to acquire Israel. There were Turkish Jewish Zionists leading the Young Turks that committed the Armenian genocide (some of the Kurds also participated, but some of the Kurds also rescued some of the Armenians).



The key persons of the Young Turk movement were Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The Committee of Union and Progress, later known as Young Turk movement which was responsible for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, was created and controlled by Jews. They belonged to a group called Donmeh, crypto-Jews who converted to Islam in order to hide their Jewish identity. These Donmeh Jews were also followers of Sabbatai Zevi, a self-proclaimed Jewish Messiah who converted to Islam as well. The international Jewish elite planned to create a Jewish state in Palestine but the problem was that Palestine was under Ottoman rule. Founder of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl wanted to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire for Palestine, but he failed. The international Jewish elite wanted to gain control over the Ottoman Empire and destroy it in order to free Palestine, therefore the crypto-Jews of the Donmeh group founded the Committee of Union and Progress under the guise of a secular Turkish nationalist movement. The Young Turks had at least two congresses (1902 and 1907) in Paris in order to plan and prepare a revolution in order to gain control over the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, the Young Turks launched a revolution and forced Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.

The international Jewish elite provoked the first world war in order to achieve several goals, including the revolutions in Russia and Germany and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. In 1917, Great Britain signed the Balfour Declaration, the promise for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. British troops could gain control over Palestine and prepared it for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Crypto-Jew Mustafa Kemal Ataturk created a Turkish Republic in order to destroy the Ottoman Empire completely. The Jewish revolutionist Alexander Parvus (who got rich through arms trading) was the financial adviser of the Young Turks and the Jewish Bolsheviks supplied Ataturk with 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns with ammunition. In 1915, the Young Turks committed a genocide against the Armenians, but also against the Greeks and Assyrians. The main reason for the Jewish genocide of the Armenians is that the Jews believe that the Armenians are the Amalekites, the arch enemies of the Israelites (Jews believe they are the descendants of the ancient Israelites). The Turkish government and Jewish groups such as the ADL deny the Armenian genocide, highly likely because the key persons of the Young Turk movement were Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

definitely read this: http://www.mosaisk.com/revolution/Winston-Churchill-Zionism-Versus-Bolshevism.php

/r/politics Thread Link - newrepublic.com