Rand Paul says he’s heard of vaccines leading to “profound mental disorders” in children

Why... how... what kind of weirdo strawman is this? Why are you apparently blaming me -- the Internet's octowussy -- for anyone who may believe he's talking about autism? Especially every (yes, every) media outlet. I'm not sure if I have that kind of pull there. What a weird right turn this has taken.

Since this JUST happened, and this is literally the first thread I have commented on in regards to it, you won't find me correcting anyone. Certainly not yet. Especially since I just told you I spent the last 32+ hours during disaster recovery. But if I do find someone that interprets his vague, possibly coded comments in such a way, I will be sure to correct them and send that screencap right over to you! After all, we are totally buddies and I have a lot to prove to you!

Speaking of proof! There's a saying about extraordinary claims. And I would expect anyone making improbable claims to back them up. That's on them; not me. This goes double (nay, TRIPLE) for a guy like Rand Paul for a few reasons:

1) He's high profile. There are people out there who listen to him. Luckily they're mostly conspiracy-minded folk who probably already buy this baloney hook, line, and sinker. 2) He's, as you have mentioned many, many times: he's a doctor. An eye doctor (so neurological disorders aren't necessarily in his wheelhouse), but he's a doctor. And I think the one is the most important: 3) As expected of any fan of Alex Jones, Rand Paul has fallen for bullshit before. Linking directly to InfoWars, [https://twitter.com/SenRandPaul/status/235405963782397952](he tweeted the false claim that the National Weather Service ordered 46k hollow-point bullets). He also (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/rand-paul-pushes-conspiracy-theory-obamacare-databanks-gather-information-gun-owners)[repeated the lie that ObamaCare would require doctors to report to the government that their patients own guns]. Oh, and then there's also (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/09/17/rand-paul-eats-up-those-long-debunked-mccain-isis-rumors.html)[that time he accused John McCain of meeting with the IS/ISIS]. Seriously. This guy believes just about everything he reads on Prison Planet.

So I'm skeptical of everyone and everything, but this is why I'm even more skeptical of anything that comes out of Rand Paul's mouth. This is why it's important for him (not me -- you don't prove a negative) to provide proof.

/r/conspiratard Thread Link - vox.com