Random Daily Discussion Thread - September 24, 2019 at 09:15AM

I joined library recently where seats are not fixed and you have to occupy seat in the morning so that seat is reserved for whole. However some inteligent person thought that why don't we never took books home so seats will always reserved for them. So most of seats are filled with books. I have to roam whole library to find an unoccupied seat but mostly I can't find any unoccupied seat which doesn't have books on table so I have to sit where half the table is occupied with books and there is no place to comfortably write and even that is not enough I have to get up when that person comes who put those books there.

So I go to complain in office but he couldn't find me seat or didn't accepted my suggestion to tell everyone take their books when they leave. I came back found another seat, took all the books from that table and placed them on office table. Now I am feeling guilty/regret, I don't know why. Did I do right thing?

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