Random thoughts go here

She's missing the point. Sure. I could go to a doctor, take some drugs and forget everything. But then people like them will never ever stop hurting others. They'll never be motivated to learn or acknowledge what they've done. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. If that stupid woman has to go the rest of her life knowing her son is in horrible agony and she's still not willing to change anything about the way she lives her life, and if the same goes for you, then she'll just have to slowly watch someone she was supposed to love's life be destroyed because of her own stupidity and carelessness. The indecency of letting a fucking monster into our lives. Of showing us no love. Rest assured that you're the only person who stands a chance of fixing any of this now. It's all on you. So will you keep doing what you've been doing. And forget all about the pain you've caused me. Or will you make it stop. Because you're my only hope. I'm fucked if you don't do anything. This isn't a game. The suffering I feel is real.

/r/theweakestlink09 Thread