random unordinary head-canons with no proof backing it up lol.

remi is really into skincare

sera painted John's nails black and he really liked it

remis favourite bow is the one rei gifted her

John loves rain

sera, John, arlo are cat people

blyke and remi are dog people

isen is a fish person

isen is into dominant women (just remember that one ep with cecile)

John really has no fashion sense

blyke hates winter

remi is a kpop fan her favourite group is twice

remi forces isen and blyke to learn twice choreography with her

sera probably had an emo phase

arlo has difficulty finding shoes his size

john likes ducks but is afraid he'll accidentally kill them

sera thinks cecile has good style

cecile loves eyeliner

sera and arlo smell expensive af

remi has a decent singing voice, blyke and isen would hype her up

isen is really into crime documentaries

blyke can't cook

isen probably has some weird food allergies

cecile has really pretty hands

Elaine is a horse girl

John likes lizards

sera cuts her hair with crafting scissors

remi has big forehead which is why she has bangs

isen hates being a ginger that's why he dyes his hair black

blyke and remi tease isen for being a ginger

/r/unOrdinary Thread