Randy Shughart, posthumous Medal of Honor recipient, just a few days before the Battle of Mogadishu. Shughart was KIA on October 3, 1993, when protecting the crew of the downed Black Hawk Super Six-Four. [1080x960]


they went in expecting to live.

Loads of people say “Sacrifice” like service members that die in combat “willingly” go to to die.

“A noble sacrifice, they threw themselves on the alter of freedom, they chose to die so that others may live, watch TV, drive to the mall, respect the flag.”

It paints people that go into combat as all expecting to die, and all heroically throwing themselves onto the pyre, which massively distorts reality, and is a super handy manufactured viewpoint if you want to make the public view images of body bags and flag draped coffins as heroic and worthy.

Yes, their bravery was staggering and a beacon of what true courage means.

But they didn’t volunteer to die. They volunteered to fight. Thats their bravery.

Quit the “They sacrificed themselves heroically” narrative

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