Rank 5460 in the Famine, top 3-4%

Did a bunch of people who didn't finish in the top 2% complain because they got the exact rewards they should have done? Of course Does the fact that everyone got the rewards they should have received, make it false advertisement? Only a fool would think that is true

These two sentences are showing that you haven't understood anything I have said. I don't want to have more rewards! I just want a leaderboard with the correct level of rewards. We had around 200k players who participated in this event. Due to this none of the players could receive the reward of 1-2% (1-2% = rank 2000 to 4000). Displaying rewards for 1-2% is just bullshit and it needs to be corrected.

Just think about the fact that currently the game has an increasing fluctuation of players. When there won't be any adjustment then you will have a big leap. Maybe rank 5001 could be rewarded for 5-6% in future. You will have a big gap between the rewards for rank 5000 and 5001.

There exists an undeniable overlap in the level of rewards. We can also delete the level of rewards for ranks 2000 to 5000 because it is in the range of 1-2%.

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