Why Ranked Is Needed in For Honor

Don't get me wrong, I love to play For Honor, and it has come a very long way since launch, but it isn't in a place to be compared to other competitive games. In relativity to anything but itself since launch, the game is merely on the borderline of playable.

There is nearly no evolving meta, copied characters with power creeps are considered new content, and the community is on a thread. Balance among the cast is nearly laughable.

The main skill gap from the average player to a good player is the ability to read. Not strategy, or teamwork, or the myriad of other components other competive games have. Once you learn the mechanic. Once you learn the characters. Once you're past the point where common mixups work on you, the main way you will triumph your enemy is with guessing.

"Competive For Honor" is simply playing the game to win. There is no competive or pro scene that'll actually be widely recognized from this game. Ranked is joke. Esports where a joke when they happened. This game has no "competitive" future. Not at this rate it won't. We don't have to pretend it does to enjoy it.

/r/CompetitiveForHonor Thread Parent Link - youtube.com