Ranked: Is it still worth to bother thinking about it?

As a toxic player this is probably true. I got muted by a ww cause I flamed him after he didn’t gank me. He just said I’m muted and enjoy landing phase. I began to just basically run it down I would just go for all trades and ended up feeding a brand top 5/0. The ww didn’t say anything came to my lane shut down my brand took that gold and snowballed the rest of the team. Later cause I was playing Kled who is busted in my gold elo, I got a triple kill. I scrolled back up cause I realized how dumb. And immature I looked and how composed the Warwick looked. Since that game I’ve gotten considerably less toxic but i also realized how effective muting can be. That being said I do sometimes become hella tilted if someone just mutes me and tells me after I give them one suggestion

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