Rant about the current state of anime and the community

Sturgeon's law is irrelevant. When I say anime is declining in quality, I don't necessarily mean the number of shows worth watching are decreasing, I mean we never get shows like Bebop/NGE/ SAC or Gurren Lagan even.

And I really don't care about what people think; that explains my abrasive tone. If anything I'm far less rude than the people who shit on me for disliking GS.

Also, I have nothing against isekai. It's just that most isekai these days are bad. It's a correlation, not a causation. I dislike certain shows not because they're isekais, but because they're bad. Konosuba, NGNL, and Log Horizon were good isekais.

And I'm tired to explaining my arguments. Whatever I do the reaction would be the exact same and I don't want to waste my energy. The anime community is among the most sheltered echo chambers out there.

Speaking of Goblin Slayer, it's pretty funny how the community went on witch hunts against anyone who disliked GS back when it was airing but when it ended everyone was suddenly "we never liked GS that much." The sheer hypocrisy is astounding but I guess this would get downvoted because that's how the community is.

The lesson I learnt is that the proper way to watch anime is in a closet because of how toxic and ignorant the community is. Try criticizing the most popular show at the moment and see if you can get a single upvote.

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