Rant: How do otherwise sane human beings not understand how to store WIPs?

Okay I store everything in ziplock bags.

WIPs get the balls stuck in order on the needles (I often use mohair/silk held together, sometimes two balls plus the main wool strand) so I don’t mess them up.

Yes, that’s six balls for two sleeves knitted flat and in parallel so I don’t want to tangle them myself.

Also, ziplocks confine any moth problems to that bag. This pertains to projects left in one place for a while, in particular.

All that said, parents have been known to toss all a child’s possessions into the yard, if they have a bad day. I knew of a family who moved away while two teenage sons were at school. Simply left them. No warning.

Parents are pushed beyond their abilities to cope. The biological drive that resulted in reproduction is very different to the resulting multiple years of what they may come to view as crushing responsibility.

In your place, I’d try to be sympathetic to this parent, store your wips in an organized and dense fashion, and leave any room in the parent’s house ready to be reused while you are away for extended periods.

I know this is hard to hear. Especially for mothers, whose bodies are forever changed by procreation, there can be underlying resentment that results in micro aggression like tangling up wips. Some mothers are a bit more aggressive in this way. Believe me.

One day you will have your own home. There, you can choose how to manage your space. For now, try to tread gently.

/r/knitting Thread