rant?! idk

You first should realize why you're doing it. Most people do have depression and anxiety and find comfort but it's also because your stressed and depressed and want help and someone to care. I get it. Sorry for telling you how you feel, I am not, but that's the common reasoning. I would first start with warm showers or baths. Calm music, going on walks. A new hobby like reading. Anything to bring the anxiety down. Than find what is fueling your depression and address it. Depression is more often than not just a symptom of something else. Not dismissing your depression because it's valid and it sucks. This your going through sucks. But the biggest trick your head is giving you is that you have to go through it alone and to keep it quiet. Let someone know what's going on. If not your family/friends than i recommend a doctor. Have the appropriate attitude with it. You have these feelings, urges and pain and need some help with it. No shame in asking for help. Best of luck.

/r/offmychest Thread