Rant on how people think of Junkrat players.

I go back and forth on the Junkrat feeding Zarya. He is one of the few characters that can burn her down quickly, she has no mobility to get away.

He shoots 1.5 rounds and 120 for the direct hits so it takes him roughly 2 seconds to get her barrier down. Most Zarya players are shielding at the half way mark for health or playing a bit more cautiously, and a concussion mine behind them right after throws them forward for easy pickings by your team.

Also with prevalence of Mei, traps for her ice blocking and similar really work out.

That said, it's easy to be that Junkrat that spams from afar but I always felt his more optimal range was about 2 D.va length way with the supports to act as an anti flank character. His lack of mobility pairs up with Ana and Zenyatta, and his trap and mine will deter even the best divers if you are good.

And while I end my games at 34% accuracy now (on ps4) the spamming nature does come up a lot before hand until I swapped to the more close in style as necessary. He's versatile, in the end, and much like all characters, playing the optimal range for duels is key... Even if it means being super far off too.

/r/Overwatch Thread