RANT THREAD - October 30, 2017

You're getting downvoted because of how arrogant you sound but I agree with this and hear me out.

The vast majority of people, on this sub, lurking, or just in general, turn to fashion as a means of increasing their desirability as an individual to romantic partners or two groups of people or whatever. Often times you'll see people try to use fashion, appropriately so, as a way to try and achieve an outward appearance that makes them more desirable to be around.

People who feel undesirable in appearance can go one of two ways essentially to improve upon this, and that's fitness or fashion, or both, but normally people just start out with one or the other. Here in r/MFA, we're seeing a lot of people who chose the fashion route and so you'll see a larger percentage of people who prioritize fashion over fitness and body appearance, since fashion can compensate for this to an extent.

It makes sense, but the two different sides of improving ones outward appearance are so complimentary and in my opinion makes physiques and outfits look so much better in conjunction and I love seeing users who exemplify both on here

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