Rape isn’t worse than murder

Both are horrible. But here's the thing.
Not all rapists are the same, yet they're all grouped together behind the same label. Don't misunderstand me .Its a truly terrible thing: when its actually committed:
though some might argue there are different degrees:
if a girl is a party in college, gets drunk, the guy as well. the guy didn't deliberately ask for consent, proceeds to have sex with girl and the next morning the girl calls the police claiming she was raped

I have a hard time putting that person with the person, who aggressively beats a girl, takes control of a her, violently pins her down as she screams while the guy nonetheless forces himself into her

maybe im an asshole, but I cant possibly equate these two. one guy might have been a dumb shit and had a few too many drinks, not picking up on cues from the other also intoxicated girl, who sometimes (not always) might call rape when she wakes up the next morning out of regret, or sometimes out of a clouded memory. it cant be an accident that people discuss being falsely accused of rape drastically more than falsely accused of murder. despite their reputation being destroyed even if found innocent, there are many cases where the girl would falsely accuse rape, which sadly ruins the word for those that truly suffered as victims

its far more rare to see somebody falsely accused of murder. the action itself-the line is quite clear..there is zero room for debate. you either killed them or you didnt. period.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread