“Rape really isn’t even that bad”

Whenever I hear the argument "not all incels", I often respond and say something along the lines of "you can't sit with ISIS and then complain when people think you're a terrorist."

I understand that people become lonely and isolated, get angry at the world, don't form relationships and it's all a big spiral into darkness. Its gotta suck to be a virgin when you don't want to be/You can't find a companion to share your life with. I totally get that.

But the moment you call yourself an incel, people lose all sympathy. Incels have members that are pro-rape, racist, pro-terrorism, encourage murder, celebrate ER, incest, forced marriage, etc.

When you join a group that have members that admit to being sexually attracted to children, people don't think of you as "just a lonely guy" anymore. You become something that disgusts the ordinary person by being a member of that group. Horrific content is actively upvoted and celebrated on those subs. By not calling that shit out, you are a bystander to it - you make it okay.

If you don't want people to think of you as a monster, don't join in with the monsters. Stay the fuck away. And if you ever want a hope of not being a virgin, don't go near them to begin with. There's nothing but misery for you there.

/r/IncelTears Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it